This subject is unique to each person and their own life experiences.
Counselling helps you understanding what may be creating these powerful feeling with the space to talk to gain understanding so you can gain some control back and break normal cycles.
If these feeling are with you often we can talk about your life and experiences in a safe non judgmental space.
This article explores one element only - Tidy House Tidy Mind - Truth or Myth?
Does Clutter increase stress levels? Clutter is visual noise that leads to chaos inside and out of our #minds? How do we recognise this and bring about #calm!
A chaotic and cluttered environment can lead to feeling overwhelmed, agitated, #overstimulated and out of control. As our brains are wired to seek order any #clutter we see, can make it harder to #relax.
It serves as a reminder that there are still tasks to be completed, which contributes to the challenge. It is a visual noise that we see.
Clutter is often a habit however, it can a direct reflection of what’s going on in our minds which could have negative implications to physical health. Clutter can be a direct reflection of how our mind feels and fills it with a busy mess that turns to stress although each of us will have a different tolerance level.
High level of stress can lead to increased levels of #cortisol and heighten chances of #depressive symptoms. Extreme #stress can play a destructive role on our bodies including metabolism, sleep and how our immune system functions.
The body’s fight and flight response is triggered by stress leading to feelings of #tension, #irritation, and #frustration which are #overwhelming. High levels of #cortisol eventually shows up in our bodies.
Symptoms may present as elevated #heart rate, #hypertension, #shortness of breath, #digestive problems, #gastrointestinal issues, and weakened #immune system. Prolonged and constant stress serves as the underlying factor for various severe ailments. This can result in conditions like hypertension, heart disease, #respiratory problems, persistent #pain, as well as mental health disorders including #anxiety, #panic attacks, #depression, and #insomnia, among others.
Creating a calm environment and de-cluttering will lead to less stress - top tips!
An environment to #unwind, #rejuvenate, and #reinvigorate yourself!
The surroundings significantly influence our #emotions. It's crucial that the space makes you feel comfortable rather than annoyed. Especially for many individuals now working from home due to #COVID during the #pandemic. If you are among those people lean into #creativity, #relaxation, and #productivity.
2. A friend may be #helpful
Having a lot of clutter can signal that we have become #emotionally connected to our possessions, which can hinder our ability to discard them. In such situations, seeking assistance from a friend to declutter can prevent us from #feeling inundated as they do the handling whilst you keep a distance from physically connecting with anything.
If your environment is beginning to affect your #mood, your #stress levels, or your ability to #relax then it is time to remove anything that doesn’t need to be in that environment. Out of sight our of mind! Keep on room clutter free and see if where you end up
4. #Talk about it!
Explain the impact of clutter on your #health, #well-being, and #mood. Engaging in an open and sincere #communication can help them see things from your perspective.
5. Little bit at a time
When dealing with a cluttered area, it is most effective to approach it by breaking it down into smaller tasks. Divide the area into sections to make it seem less daunting, begin with small and manageable steps. Remember to take frequent breaks as well.
6. Simply buy less
Be #mindful of what you bring into your home or work environment. We gather way more than we need to, if you have difficulty getting rid of things, try and be more conscious of what you buy. Question yourself do I need this.
7. Be #charitable
It may help to find a bigger #purpose to help #motivate and #de-cluttering by donating to a #charity shop or #recycling and thinking about the good you are doing for them and take the focus away from yourself.
8. Learning to #Detach
When dealing with #disorder and #clutter learning to think about our thoughts and emotions and detach #peacefully can help the process and reduce stress.
9. Be #curios
We may experience stress when we're #resisting to what is happening around us in our lives, #curiosity can help us #understand our relationship with stressful situations:
How can this be helping me ? Acknowledging #resistance with #curiosity can open up #awareness and #understanding, making us more #resilient to #future #stressors.”
10. Create a 'Stress-First Aid' Kit
Be a proactive to deal with #emotions and find ways known to you that provide comfort in a particular environment. This may come as music or smells. #Help-Yourself #Win!
To those of us who are naturally tidy this may seem irrational however clutter lives with some people on a daily basis in work and home - #mentalhealthmatters #endthestigma #mindfulness #personalgrowth #selfcarematters #mentalhealth
If you have found yourself #hoarding this is now a recognised #mentalheathdisorder, in a nutshell the opposite of #OCD and causes so much #distress. #Counselling can help you gain some control back of you life and find some peace. #Anxietyawareness #anxietytips #hoardingdisorder #healthylivingtips #youcandoit #selfhelp